20 Januari 2008

City Street Parade & City Cultural Extravaganza Promotion

It's a once in a life time Experience, jom kitaorang pegi beramai-ramai .....konvoi bahSumber :www.dbkk.sabah.gov.my

02 Januari 2008

New Year......

Welcome to the year 2008, yeah..new life, new missions, new visions and so on and on, still everybody please open your 2007 diary, go on don't be shy....we traced back our step to time, all that memories, wondering how did we past through all that, and we begin to fear for what we will be facing in the future...hehehe never fear my friends were in the same boat here and we all knew it's a new year ahead of us, a new life, new vision and new memories on the making. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008

Read to me mama

the album

Any suggestion do not hesitate just..

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